Sessions and fees

How it works…

From the number and frequency of your visits, to the type of treatment, it's all up to your specific needs. Together we will find the best way to bring a positive change into your life.


The journey to recovery

We will begin with an in-depth initial appointment, and depending on the nature of your problems, continue with ongoing follow-up sessions as often as needed. You will benefit from the approach that complements your conventional treatment with nutritional medicine and lifestyle interventions and/or homeopathy. On your journey to recovery, I will provide you with a professional yet friendly support and give you a chance to discuss your health concerns from different perspectives.

* Absolute privacy and security goes without saying. Any communication in the process of making the appointment and submitting your personal information takes place in a secure medical application. Read more about our government-compliant privacy standards.

initial session

An in-depth look at your wellbeing

During this ca. 90-minute session, we'll look at your regular medical workup, diagnosis and treatments, then shift to your own experience of your health, searching broadly for stress factors and environmental or emotional as well as physical causes. I will provide a safe, unhurried environment for your personal sharing.

For simpler issues, we can draw the plan right away. If the case is more complex, we will end with general recommendations you can get started with and decide which extra medical info we should gather. Then I research your information and design a detailed, customized treatment plan for you which we will discuss and fine-tune during a follow-up session.

how it works

During this introductory session, we can cover the following areas:

  • What your current symptoms are
  • What kind of treatment you have received so far and how you feel about it
  • An overview of your medical history
  • Your overall health condition
  • Your current life situation
  • How you sleep, eat, drink and move?
  • Why do you feel you are ill?
  • What complementary methods can be used to support the healing process
Price per session
/ 60 min

In the next step, we will take you to our secure booking system where you will be able to choose a convenient date and time, as well as describe the reason of your visit and your preferences.

* Change the language in the upper right corner of the form.

book an appointment
follow-up session

Staying on the right track

Follow-up sessions last 45-60 minutes and are scheduled as often as you prefer. They give us a chance to chart your progress, answer new questions that come up, and address new health concerns requiring a revised treatment plan. Some people like the support of monthly visits while others prefer to be empowered with enough information to act independently.

how it works

Regular or occassional follow-up sessions will give us the opportunity to get deeper into the following:

  • Understanding your individual treatment plan and adjusting it to your specific preferences
  • How to keep motivated along the way to your full recovery
  • How to retain your regained balance
Price per session
/ 45 min

In the next step, we will take you to our secure booking system where you will be able to choose a convenient date and time.

* Change the language in the upper right corner of the form.

book an appointment
short session

Quick question

Luckily, not all issues require long sessions!
I am here for you also if you have short questions, or just need a quick reassurance on the way.

how it works

A short consultation is typically convenient in following cases…

  • A minor adjustment of your protocol
  • Checking on compatibility of your supplements with a newly prescribed drug
  • The results of a blood or stool test requiring new supplements
  • To renew a protocol from past years
  • and other minor issues requiring less than ca. 20 min visit
Price per session
/ 20 min

In the next step, we will take you to our secure booking system where you will be able to choose a convenient date and time.

* Change the language in the upper right corner of the form.

book an appointment
phone consultation

Short & easy

Oftentimes, just a phone call is enough — and it's easy to make.

how it works

This may be especially useful when…

  • Something
  • etc.
Price per call
/ 10 min

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.

  • something
book an appointment

Easy to access location

I will treat you in a comfortable, spacious and quiet room where you will feel at home. Easy to access, easy to find and easy to park.

Valeriusstraat outside

Valerius Medical Center

Valeriusstraat 75
2517 HN Den Haag

Show on map
Valeriusstraat interior

Light, comfortable and quiet room with a little garden (which will be even lovelier once the reconstruction is over… )

related to booking an appointment…

Common Questions

If you have any questions before booking your appointment, I am more than ready to discuss them with you. Please don't hesitate to leave a message and I will call you back.

Do I need a referral letter to come and see you?
Will your appointments be covered by my Dutch insurance?
Will your appointments be covered by my international insurance?
What do I do in case of emergency?
What if I need to cancel my appointment?
Will you become my family doctor?
I want to ask you a short question. Can I just call you?
Will my GP be informed about my visiting you?
How will I pay for your services?