Company Info

AGB code M.L. Thiadens: 84025129
Arts Homeopathie 8405, Arts Natuurgeneeskunde 8406
AGB code Thiadens Health: 84058346
BIG-number: 39057368601
KVK-number: 85572071
Membership: AVIG, Artsen Vereniging Integrale Geneeskunde
Behandeling (klassieke) homeopathie: 24200
Behandeling overige natuurgeneeskunde: 24005
Behandeling orthomoleculaire geneeskunde: 24000
Privacy Statement
In short: Your personal data is stored in a highly secure system and we follow the standard government privacy guidelines: it will only be disclosed if you request it (for example to transmit to another doctor) or if the government requires it.
Your personal data and your privacy in our practice
The AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) is the Dutch law to protect privacy and personal data, which came into effect in May 2018. Based on this law, an organization which works with personal data has certain obligations, and the person whose data are involved has certain rights. In addition to this general law, specific rules apply to privacy in health care. These rules are listed in the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO), among others.
The following privacy regulations are intended to inform you about your rights and our obligations, based on the AVG and the WGBO.
Why does our practice process personal data?
This is necessary for your medical treatment and for billing purposes, or (rarely) to prevent serious danger to your health or to meet a legal obligation.
What data do we collect from you?
- Name and contact information (mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number)
- BSN number (citizen service number)
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Medical data
- Names and contact information of your regular medical doctors
- Health insurance
- Emergency contact information (the name and contact information of a friend or family member to contact on your behalf in case of emergency)
For what purposes are your data collected?
- To provide care;
- For billing, accounting and explanation of the care;
- For (anonymized) contributions to peer review, training, medical articles and science in general.
As a rule no processing takes place for other purposes.
How are your data stored and protected?
Thiadens Health uses the Electronic Patient Record 'Mijndiad'. A processing agreement has been signed with Mijndiad. Mijndiad stores the data in accordance with the AVG and is NEN 7510 certified.
Your personal data will be kept no longer than necessary for proper care. For medical data this retention period is 20 years, unless longer retention is necessary, for example for the health of yourself or your children. This is at the discretion of the practitioner. The retention period begins with the last change in the file.
For children, usually a retention period of 20 years applies from the 18th year of life.
What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
You have the following rights:
- To know whether and what personal data about you are being processed.
- To inspect and obtain a copy of these data (insofar as this does not harm the privacy of another person). A copy can be used to transfer your data to another practice.
- To correct, add or delete data if necessary.
- To request the (partial) destruction of your medical data. This can only be done if keeping the data is not of substantial importance to another person and the data does not have to be kept by law.
- To add a personal statement (of a medical nature) to your file.
- To oppose the processing of your data in certain cases.
If you wish to exercise your rights, please notify the practice by email ( Your interests may also be represented by your authorized representative.
- You provide the details of the person to whom the medical file relates.
- Adolescents 16 years and older who want to inspect/copy their medical records must make the request themselves. The Medical Agreement Act (WBGO) considers the patient to be of age from 16 years.
- If the patient is no longer alive, disclosure is permitted
- if the patient gave his or her consent while alive
- if a notification of an incident has been received under the Wkkgz Law
- or if there are compelling interests to break the silence of the healthcare provider.
The execution of your rights is free of charge, unless your request is unfounded or excessive, especially due to its repetitive nature.
Will data be provided to third parties and if so why?
Thiadens Health Practice has the obligation to treat your personal data confidentially. This means, for example, that the care provider needs your express written consent before providing your personal data to third parties.
There are a few exceptions - established by law - when information is provided to third parties without your permission. For example, some infectious diseases are required to be reported to the Municipal Health Service. Or measures might have to be taken in case of serious danger to your health or that of a third party.
In addition, recorded data can be exchanged verbally, in writing or digitally with other care providers if necessary (for example, the pharmacist who processes a prescription and thus receives data from the doctor).
If necessary, these data are also shared with the IT administrator (e.g., in case of malfunctions, updates, new equipment). A so-called processing agreement* with these external parties defines the limits of this exchange of personal data.
Exchange of data
Thiadens Health Practice can exchange medication data with pharmacies filling your prescriptions and (with your permission) your other doctors.
Transfer of your file
If another integrative physician requests your records from Thiadens Health, they will be provided to you to give to the other doctor.
Complaint Procedure
During a consultation or during treatment by your doctor, misunderstandings can arise. You feel that you were not treated correctly or that you are dissatisfied. It is, of course, best that you discuss this immediately with your practitioner and seek a solution together. This may be enough to continue together in confidence.
If you are unable to resolve your dissatisfaction in this way, you can also call or email the AVIG secretariat to discuss other options.
Telephone number 0614805117 or email to
Your complaint will then be handled by a complaints officer of the AVIG.
The AVIG is affiliated with the SGCIG (dispute resolution body for complementary and integrative medicine).
Information can be found at